Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Mistress NSFW

I started off writing a really boring entry about today's work shift. Instead, I'm going to write about poop.

Poop is the secret mistress of ass play. Probably a weird sentence, but I have had so many conversations with people about ass play and have had to subtly mention "the mistress" without actually bringing her up by name (yes in this analogy, poop is female). When it comes to ass play, the number one fear that people have, besides the fear that it will hurt, is the fear of poop. Except, very few will actually flat out say it.

There's a reason so many anal toys are black, why black gloves and black condoms are so popular, why black dildos sell more than the white ones. It is harder to see any "dirtiness" that may come out on something black. Don't think I'm criticizing the black toy phenomenon. It's actually quite genius, and if it weren't for black toys, many people may not even consider exploring anal play.

Anyways, when I talk to customers about anal play, the mistress comes up about 70% of the time. Usually from questions about "cleaning and prepping oneself for play" (see how formal and subtle I am about the ass?) Depending on the customer, I am either pretty explicit, or direct them towards books about ass play. Some people just get uncomfortable hearing intimate and possible embarrassing things from a stranger. As a sex shop worker, I understand this completely, which is why the book and DVD section exists. The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men by Bill Brent, and The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women by Tristan Taormino are the books I recommend for those interested in an experts opinion on anal play. Miss Taormino also wrote The Anal Sex Position Guide, which is quite amazing (hot pictures). Oh, and her Expert Guide to Anal Sex DVD is quite good and simple to understand. And did I mention HOTTT?

For the customers who I feel can hear the explicit stuff, I recommend douches for prep. When explaining douching, I use terms like "expel the water" and "clean thoroughly", making sure that the mistress's name is never mentioned, only implied. It is very rare that you'll actually hear me use the word "poop" when talking to customers. We dance around the subject in our conversations, making sure the customer is comfortable with the subject and ideas I purpose.

But the reason that so many people are interested in anal play is the "dirtiness" of it all. The mistress is a dirty little temptress that scares and excites so many. Not implying that being into anal play and scat play are the same thing. Very, very different ideas that happen to revolve around the same hole. This is not about scat play, but about the sexy fear of the dirtiness of anal play. The idea that your partner is playing with your "dirty hole" is sexy to some. It's taboo, it's a little gross to some, and it's shocking.

When I show porn to my friends and there is ass-to-mouth involved, I turn to see their faces. It's usually 50-50, with half the people yelling in horror and disgust, and the other half with this smirk of recognition and excitement on their faces. But this is usually the fact for most sex acts. Not everything sexual is for everyone, and sometime that grosses you out may in fact be the only way someone else gets off.

Once in a while I get a customer who asks me what they should to to avoid the mistress, or what they should do lest she appears? The best advice I can give besides douching, which is still not 100% reliable, is be aware that it may happens. Slip ups happen. Don't be afraid of them, it's the beauty of sex and exploration. If the mistress does appear, have a towel on hand, some sanitizer if needed, and a shower. It's what showers are for after all, cleaning up after your dirty deeds. Shit happens, pun intended.

Sometimes I get caught off guard by how many people can accidentally pee, queef, fart, and burp during sex and be fine, but once the topic of poop comes around, they freak out.

I joke to my employer that we should sell the children's book "Everyone Poops" next to the anal play section. After all, the mistress is there, whether or not we address her by name.

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