Friday, May 27, 2011

Absense of Avi

It was pointed out to me recently that I took a short break from writing about my work without really noticing it. The reason behind this is *holds breath*

I am quitting my job. *breathes*

As much as I have enjoyed the last three years of sex shop employment, I want to do bigger and better things. I want to develop my sex education and educating, and to do that I must move from this small town and adventure on. Now don't be sad, I will continue blogging about sex, life, and general fuckery, and let's face it, my next job will probably involve something just as entertaining as selling sex toys to the general adult public.

I am leaving in a month, June 25th to be exact. This last month I will be helping out to train my replacement, as well as make sure that the shop will not fall apart without me. I've really loved working here, but I feel like it's time to move on.

So where is Avi going?

I am going to the motherland of smut, Amsterdam, to study at The University of Amsterdam's Summer Institute of Sexuality and Culture for the summer. Don't worry, there is Internet and I will be updating about my adventures along the way. After that, I will probably be moving to my hometown of San Francisco, to find more sex work and adventure.

So come and follow me,
And thanks for the adventure so far!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your life with us, it's been both fascinating and fun. I wish you all the best.
